Manifesting Monday 3.27.23

It’s a tricky week where your ego can take over and impact your relationships to the point where you have to choose to move on or bring them along with you. I see this reinforced in the energy share via Human Design and where the Sun and Moon are aligning.  Keep...
Where Does the 2SQT+ Community Go From Here?

Where Does the 2SQT+ Community Go From Here?

As a tarot reader, I was recently asked if I had pulled any cards on the state of the queer community in relation to the GOP. While I hadn’t done so, it got me thinking about why I hadn’t. I used to be an active member of protests, creating art that...

Manifesting Monday 3.20.23

This week may be bringing Daddy energy, but it’s also bringing significant transpersonal experiences. WTF is that? It’s knowing or feeling something greater than yourself. And this energy is destructive. It’s going to tear down all that you believed to be true in...

Manifesting Monday 3.13.23

There are two sides to every story. As we enter into Pisces season and the energy of the Moon in Scorpio, there’s a lot of emotional discovery with the need to share why things are the way they are. This can generate challenges in our most important relationships! And...

Manifesting Monday 3.6.23

Your experiences with others will inform how you move through the world. Wait, what? Conditioning is real. And we can lose ourselves to the teaching and expectations of others. Whether that teaching (or observation) is during our formative years or someone we choose...