As a tarot reader, I was recently asked if I had pulled any cards on the state of the queer community in relation to the GOP. While I hadn’t done so, it got me thinking about why I hadn’t. I used to be an active member of protests, creating art that challenged leaders, and wearing buttons with pride, but lately, I’ve been feeling drained and ineffective.

So, I turned to my cards to help me think through the next steps for our community in the face of constant GOP attacks. As I pulled the cards, I realized that as a community, we have been selfish and have disregarded the needs of POC and our transgender brothers and sisters. We have been so focused on marriage equality that we have neglected the needs of the most vulnerable in our community. We have fought for acceptance instead of true equality, and now find ourselves infighting about where to focus our efforts.

Haindl Tarot

Meanwhile, murderers, politicians, and bigots are threatening queer POC, transgender individuals, and drag queens. It’s time for us to rebuild our foundation and come together as a community. While it’s understandable that GenXers are tired of fighting, it’s critical that we continue to do so.

As a forgotten generation, we’ve had to fight our entire lives to take care of ourselves. We lost a generation of queer elders to the HIV/AIDS pandemic and with them, years of history and guidance. The lesson we learned was to protect ourselves and those we love, but that’s not the end of the story. Today’s lessons are about finding what works for the individual and the collective. Hierarchy is no longer the answer, and we must embrace a vision of a new queer future.

To build something new together, we must dream of and envision a better future. New leaders will emerge, and new versions of success will be defined. We must employ new tactics and strategies to regain momentum and move forward as a community. Together, we can create a brighter future for all queer individuals.