This week may be bringing Daddy energy, but it’s also bringing significant transpersonal experiences. WTF is that? It’s knowing or feeling something greater than yourself. And this energy is destructive.

It’s going to tear down all that you believed to be true in order to create a new reality. You’ll find a greater understanding of self. And likely start a new journey or path.

Start by owning your shit. The closer you are to who you are the easier this transition is going to be. So, as they say, know thyself.

The driver of this energy is the Awakening card. (Most decks, it’s the Tower) And right next to it is the Star. Whenever I have these two cards together, there is a great personal shift.  And rarely does it happen because you want it to. 

So ride the wave my friend. It’s going to show you the world around you. It’s going to expose you and others in ways you never expected. And you’ll be raw enough to react. 

The trick here will be to observe yourself and see what’s changing. You’re likely going to have something you need to do or say and there’s no time to waste. 

Don’t ignore the journey, follow the signs, and trust the process.

Intending confidence and clarity.

Card of the Week | Emperor – Your new era is: Daddy Energy. Start by focusing on what you know. Own your skills and experience to bolster your confidence. When it’s decision time, be decisive, clear, and reasonable. 

Aries | Star – See yourself how other’s see you. We’re all in some kinda matrix. And reality is what we make of it. So while how someone sees you may be none of your business 🤣 – being self-aware is valuable insight.

Taurus | Matriarch Wreaths – Give yourself what you need most. Focusing on self care has become a buzz word. And I know how you hate buzz & trends. So be hones with yourself, what is it that you need to feel safe and secure?

Gemini | Sun – See the path in front of you. No more questions about this or that. It’s time to be done exploring all angles. Now is the time to get moving based on the information you’ve collected!

Cancer | 7 Wands – Protect what you’ve built. This may require defense. It may require you to take down a bitch. However you approach protection, remember why it’s important. Most likely, it’s about protecting loved ones over yourself. 

Leo | Youth Cups – Surprise us. Last week you were focused on using your charisma to achieve your goals. This week it’s all about keeping them on their toes. You’ve got a lot of tricks up your sleeve. Keep them engaged.

Virgo | 9 Wands – Defense is the best offense. Mitigate your risks to your goal. Address any existing issues that might be in the way of achieving it. And be prepared to enact those mitigation plans as needed.

Libra | Awakening – Let preconceived notions fall away. Not gonna lie, this is going to be rough. Unexpected change is never easy. But it’s necessary. The more you fight for your expectations based on how you moved through the world previously, the more friction you’re going to feel. Look for a guiding star.

Scorpio | 5 Wreaths – Leave behind that which no longer serves. If someone or something is no longer available in the way you need them to be, it’s time to cut the cord. This doesn’t have to be mean or messy. It is just true. So be kind and let them go.

Sagittarius | 10 Wands – Bear the weight. For now, ‘cause it’s only temporary, you’ll need to take on more than you think you can handle. This isn’t about being a “yes-man.” It’s about taking responsibility. 

Capricorn | 5 Daggers – Change your plans. The energy isn’t going your way. If you keep pushing, it’s not going to get any easier. (Hard that one before?) So take a step back and re-envision what’s possible. 

Aquarius | Youth Wreaths – Enjoy the moment. When you’re learning you’re in your zone. So take stock, if you’re in a place where you’re not taking in new information, it’s probably not for you. Keep putting yourself in the position of loving what you’re learning.

Pisces | 8 Cups – Evolve now. You’ve already been given the opportunity to move on. And that comes with a free upgrade. If you don’t take the offer, it will come back. But how many times has it already been here before?