Your experiences with others will inform how you move through the world. Wait, what? Conditioning is real. And we can lose ourselves to the teaching and expectations of others. Whether that teaching (or observation) is during our formative years or someone we choose to believe tells us how we should behave for our own good (survival).

While this is generally true, your awareness of it will top of mind this week. That means that you also have the opportunity to maintain it or change it. Your choice in how you engage, the behaviors you choose to employ, is in your hands. 

Should you choose to change a behavior, how do you even get started? For some, acknowledging that the change is necessary is enough. For others, we’re talking about changing behaviors and patterns that have been employed for years. And that takes deliberate action, focused awareness, and milestones, and positive reinforcement. 

You might need to take yourself to therapy to decondition beliefs that are reinforcing imposter syndrome. Or a counselor may help you through discovering why you are triggered and have specific emotional responses to events that you perceive to be mundane to everyone else around you.

This is coming out, in a way, because it’s acknowledging that there’s something about you that exists. And once you acknowledge it, you have the opportunity to accept it. From there, you can choose to maintain the behavior or you can choose to address the steps it takes to achieve the change in behavior you’d prefer. 

Intending confidence and clarity.

Card of the Week | Hermit – Bring your experiences to the fore. If others ask you for guidance or help, now is the time to share. The trick will be to wait for the invitation from another.

Aries | Ace Swords – Make a decision. This isn’t just any decision though. It’s one that comes to you as a result of taking in the circumstances surrounding you. Once you’ve taken them in, the assimilation of them feels like it generates an epiphany. That’s the moment you make your decision.

Taurus | 9 Swords – Pay attention to your dreams. Your dreams are showing you the way. Even if it’s through symbol and allegory. You may want to write them down or speak them into a notes app so you can come back to them later. Especially when you can’t quite remember them.

Gemini | 8 Pentacles – Work towards your goal. Repetition is your friend. If you can repeat a successful process you’ll see the outcome you’re looking for in no time. But the point is that you are consistent and unwavering in your effort.

Cancer | Keeper of Swords – Let go of pretense. If you’re trying to keep up appearances, others are going to see through that right away. As long as you’re transparent about what you need and what instead of trying to please others, you’ll be well on your way to success.

Leo | 9 Wands – Self-reflection is key. Start with awareness, move through self-care, and then you’ll be ready for greater awareness. If you’re already on this journey, keep going. Just make sure the the reflection, awareness, and care is focused on you and not about those around you.

Virgo | 3 Cups – Share the moment. Regardless of the potential outcome, if you share your experiences with others they’ll be more likely to connect with you on a deeper level. So invite them along. Get together afterwards and share memories. 

Libra | Page Wands – Try something new. Trust your personal authority to guide you in the right direction. When an opportunity presents itself, explore the right one for you by experiencing it. This is a great week to try a new sexual adventure. Whether it’s with your partner or someone you just met.

Scorpio | 8 Wands – Have confidence in direction. Start by trusting your previous experiences. Believing your instincts will also help. This may take some practice if you’re not used to it!

Sagittarius | Intuition – Feel your oneness with all things to know your next step. Pause and ground yourself to start. Call in the energy of the room, the structure (house apartment), the world outside. 

Capricorn | 2 Pentacles – Decide to keep it or let it go. It’s time to Marie Kondo people and things. If you’re questioning whether someone or something is right for you, more than likely you’re already in your head. Get out of your head! What does your body tell you?  Either through your intuition, your emotional state, or your sacral response. 

Aquarius | Lovers – Make a commitment to your health. If your doctor hasn’t already told you what to focus on, what is your body telling you? This could lead to exercise, change in eating habits, shift in the diet you’re consuming, or your environment.

Pisces | 7 Pentacles – Reinvest in yourself. Focus on your investments this week. Wherever you’re focusing time, talent, or treasure will grow.