Saturday a friend reached out and asked if I would be interested in reading tarot at an event called TRANScending the Binary on Sunday sponsored by the Brave Space Alliance. And yes, the implied for free was there. Now who wouldn’t be intrigued by transcendence?

She shared a link and I was immediately intrigued because the event was meant to be a wellness space for trans and non-binary people. Between today’s politics trying to erase trans individuals and the potential triggers during the holidays, the transgender and non-binary communities, especially for people of color, need a safe space to recharge and be well.

The Night Before TRANScending

I got in touch with the organizer. The event was meant to be free to all. Everyone providing services were CIS individuals donating their time. We had a conversation about the space, where I’d could be positioned next to others, and the privacy and safety of the attendees. Then we discussed the potential triggers that tarot can surface. So I asked if mental health professionals would be present. There was an attempt, but in moving quickly, it wasn’t possible for the day.

I shared my website with the organizer and asked for a few minutes to talk to my husband about a four hour stint I new would include travel and my chronic ability to spend extra time with those in need. He was smoking a brisket that day and wasn’t planning on going anywhere. I was in.

So I printed up a few business cards, packed my table drape, and every card deck I could possibly want to use.

I was nervous the night before. I wanted to be respectful of pronouns. Of course I didn’t want to mispronounce a carefully chosen name. I wanted to be the open and unbiased person I hope I am. And basically not come across as a CIS homonormative jerk.

After talking a bit with Al form Al’s Tarot, I remembered all I had to do was be the best version of myself. Al reminded me, “ask their name.” Something so simple. So all I had to do was make an honest connection with the person sitting across from me. The result would be that the rest would fall into place.

The Morning of TRANScending

The next morning I knocked out a blog post, had a reading with a client, took care of laundry, and found some time to eat in between. Then it was time to head to the event.

I realized my nerves had left. I was going to be myself and only myself. And I was going to trust my process. And I was going to trust in the people who were curating the event.

TRANScendence & Well Being

The Brave Space Alliance sponsored the event in an amazing found space covered with art that screamed for the safety of communities of color. There was an amazing DJ who infused a rhythm of energy and soothing creative space. Vendors included a reiki healer, hairstylists, manicurists, someone taking portraits, and a craft table where you could make custom silk screened art. And me, the tarot reader.

The creation of safe space, the air of positive acceptance, and the sense of community was palatable. It’s been years since I’ve felt that with a group of people. And while standing on the skirts and having a glimpse into the lives of the people who were communing for a sense of family and wellness, I couldn’t help but feel encouraged to continue reading.

The souls in this room are eager to transcend. They are hungry to understand the relationships so many of us take for granted. I heard how they are longing to understand and create acceptance within their families, places of employment, and themselves. And they are forging new paths, creating plans to make dreams reality, and building even stronger romantic partnerships.


You know, the more you read tarot and the more practice you get, when it’s time to really read the experience can be compared to a performer who’s been rehearsing for weeks. All the hard work and practice has embedded itself in you and you just do. You become. You are. In that room we were fully ourselves without apology.

For all the people who sat in front of me, I couldn’t help but realize we were traveling similar paths. (And in some cases we actually had or were about to!) My fear of bringing my full, best, and most authentic self to a group of people who are living that very experience was unfounded. I was accepted, challenged, cared for, and I believe connected.

I know I began to TRANScend.