Before you can launch your big goals this year, you need to know what your opportunities are! Getting to know what objectives, goals, and the activities that help you achieve those goals should be is one of my favorite exercises. It uncovers so much of your potential!

Getting started now, rather than in January, signals commitment, engagement, and achievement. Some 80% of people who set goals in January fall off the wagon before the end of February. I’ve been there before. I see you nodding your head. We’ve all done it!

The Secret To Goals Success

So what can make you successful where so many others have failed? Hanging out with your tarot coach. There are two different routes to take here. Both involve your participation.

  1. Option One
    1. You outline your objective, goals, and activities.
    2. You schedule a reading with me to explore the outcomes of all that
    3. You adjust accordingly
    4. Meet with me quarterly to reassess and stay on track
  2. Option Two
    1. You do some pre-work on your goals and what you think you need to do to achieve them
    2. You schedule some time with me to flesh out your goals, the over-arching objective, and what activities might be required to meet those goals and objective + explore the outcomes of all that work
    3. You walk away with a plan for the next 3 months
    4. You meet with me quarterly to reassess and stay on track

How Committed Are You?

If you’re semi-committed right now, that’s not unusual. I’m asking you to think ahead and that’s not a normal occurrence for most people. But that’s why I’m here. I’m here to be the push you need to see those goals through.

It’s not unusual for you to need a little push to be successful. Not at all! We all need some support.  Do you think that our record number of female and LGBTQ politicians in the midterms got there on their own?  Nope. They had a team.

So who’s on your team? Do you have a group of supporters who are pushing you to be better, go farther, and achieve more? You’ve made it this far by curating your chosen family and those you can drive you. Adding a tarot reader who can guide you and keep you on track could only challenge you more and make things easier.

How Engaged Are You?

Achieving goals is going to require your participation. Nothing happens entirely by magic.   Set your intentions. After that you’re positioned to take the right actions. And then you can examine all the possible outcomes with a tarot reader. That’s commitment and engagement.

So what can you do today? Use a mind mapping app. Get a piece of paper and draw all over it. Create a universe where success is possible. Then talk to your partner/husband/boyfriend whatever and go over the ideas asking for their input.

You already have a stake in the outcome of your life. It’s time to actively pursue it. Write down those BHAG goals. Brainstorm what it’s going to take to achieve them. And when you feel like there’s more to mine then it’s time to talk to someone like me.

Would you Like a Sense of Achievement?

Accomplishing a goal, or even a set of goals, is so satisfying. Especially if it’s a goal that’s lingering from last year (or before!). So let’s knock out those goals that have been on your mind for a while.

Start by thinking about or digging up past resolutions:

  • What were your NYE resolutions last year?
  • What changes have occurred in your life that you’d like to overcome in this year’s goals?
  • What experience have you always wanted to have but never knew how to achieve?

Once you’ve got a list going go through some of the other exercises in this post. And whenever you get stuck, reach out.

What Reading Pairs with Goals?

The Year Ahead Reading, of course! Check it out in the shop!