The new moon in January seems to be keeping most of us buried in the day to day of our relationships. But while that happens there are others going through some deep and transformative experiences on top of all the other events going on in the world. This can be exhausting and frustrating. 

Remember to give each other some grace and patience. Most of the time we’re coming from a place of good intent. Connections based on honesty and truth are possible. It just takes some effort to get there.

Looking for more relationship advice? Click the category below.

New Gay Intentions for the New Moon

January 2021, tarot of the divine masculine, gay relationship, gay tarot, tarot reading, chicago, tarot relationship reading
Tarot of the Divine Masculine

ARIES | Strength

Aries, it’s time to dig deep and trust you. Put yourself in an uncomfortable situation and watch yourself grow. This could look like taking a stance on what you believe in during a conversation with someone you care about who believes the complete opposite.

TAURUS | Knight Swords

No more waiting, Taurus. It’s time to make up your mind and get moving. Be decisive with your partner(s) and take the reigns for a bit.

GEMINI | Page Cups

Gemini, your loved ones are seeing both sides of you! Right now they need to see the one that delights in new information, is creative, and can fall in love.

CANCER | Hermit

Cancer, it’s time to retreat into your shell for a bit. Self-reflection will do you some good. Don’t stay for too long though! And careful not to disconnect for long periods of time.

LEO | Knight Pentacles

It’s time to slow it down, Leo. Probably won’t be hard with less sun this time of year. Take stock of what you’ve accomplished and build your plan for when your time to shine comes again.

VIRGO | 3 Cups

Virgo, it’s time to fall back on the relationships that you feel the most love for. You probably have one to three of them. Just right and just supportive enough. They’re here to emotionally get you through this time.

LIBRA | 4 Swords

Libra, the events of the world can be exhausting for you. Your natural proclivity to bring justice to those who need it most is highlighted activated right now. Our strongest warriors need to rest too. It’s ok not to fight all the time. It helps you come back even stronger. Commit to rest as much as you commit to the fight.

SCORPIO | 6 Wands

Who’s victory are you celebrating, Scorpio? Someone led you here, where your relationship(s) are feeling like they’re on track and exactly where you want them. Don’t worry, you weren’t manipulated, you were guided. Take a look who’s been beside you.


Sagittarius, it’s time to release the burdens and pain that your relationships are causing you. Holding on isn’t helping you move on.


Capricorn, now is the time to take the leap! Try out new ways of engaging with each other. Surprise him. Put on the sexy jockstrap – go ‘head!

AQUARIUS | 2 Swords

Weigh your choices carefully, Aquarius. Play them out and see where they take you. Dream about them. Envision them. And then choose.

PISCES | Ace Pentacles

Pisces, it’ll probably feel like you’re going against your true nature, but this new moon is an opportunity to get started by investing in your physical health. Exercise, food, whatever that means to you.