When You Have More Love To Give

Sometime around the time you start figuring out your identity you may not have the words to claim a sexual identity. You may still need to explore more than one. The same thing happens with how relationships are approached. Who had heard of polyamory in high school?

There isn’t a lot of representation of different relationships in media. Queer couples still cause an uproar. But experiences like polyamorous relationships seem to generally create even more confusion and judgement from a heteronormative lens. If they’re even seen at all.

As you embark on the journey of a polyamorous relationship how will you incorporate your spiritual journey? Or even objective and personal insights that don’t come with side eye or the stank of judgement?

Stepping Into The Unknown Of Polyamory


One of the most challenging parts of coming out as polyamorous is your environment. Kinda like being coming out as queer, the reaction to polyamory is always an unknown. Is it truly safe to come out and will you be unharmed? Or is there an element of risk and personal harm that exists that you should be worried about?

What’s At Stake

Sometimes you have no other choice but to come out as polyamorous. It could mean the continuance or strengthening of your relationship. It could also mean that your existing (or hopeful) relationship must end.

Coming out as poly could also mean your own personal mental health is cared for. Trying to fit into someone else’s mold is never easy. Polyamory bucks all of that. And we all breathe easier when our truths are no longer hidden.


Once you’re no longer bound by other people’s expectations of how your relationship should look, the freedom to love is unmatched. And as someone who has more love to give than most, you finally get to heal so many others when you’re not constrained. But no one does this alone.


Along the journey of coming out as polyamorous you may find that there are soulmates along the way who are meant to help you on your polyamory journey. They often come in and out of your life when you need them most. Soulmates help your soul to grow into its purpose.


You may also find that there are teachers along the way. The polyamorous teachers come in all guises. Sometimes they’re lovers and other times their also part soulmate. Sometimes they’re other poly people who you can talk to when you feel like trust has been broken, communication needs a boost, or consent requires a hard conversation.

Coming out isn’t easy. And coming out as polyamorous is even more confusing. Because no one has given you a polyamory roadmap! That’s why I’ve created a coming out reading that covers it all.