Your September new moon RAW tarotscopes are here! So what intentions might you want to focus on for clarity and confidence in your gay relationship? Find your sign(s) below.

Gay Intentions For The New Moon

tarot, the wild unknown, September RAW tarot scopes, tarot reader, gay tarot, queer tarot, Chicago tarot
Wild Messengers Tarot

The New Moon is in Virgo so it’s time to check all the boxes. And yet, <Beckett Pause> there’s more to life than that. While the energy may be focused in the details, I would encourage you to see the forest and not just the trees. 

Aries | 10 Swords – Set the intention to release that which no longer serves. Whether this is setting boundaries and/or ending a relationship that is toxic the reason is the same, it’s no longer meant for you. 

Taurus | Justice – Set the intention to understand both sides of the issues you face. Libra will be instrumental in guiding you from being an uninformed judge of the circumstances to gathering the information you need.

Gemini | 3 Swords – Set the intention that pain is temporary. And yet, it’s necessary. Without pain you would never know relief. Without struggle you would never know ease. 

Cancer | Father Pentacles – Set the intention that you have reached a pinnacle of achievement. Declaring success (even if you are seeing another goal) marks the moment. If you don’t celebrate and enjoy your success, what was it all for?

Leo | 5 Wands – Set the intention that you’re investing in something better. You may feel inspired by ideas and ready to contribute your own. Especially when you’re around like-minded people. 

Virgo | 2 Swords – Set the intention that you can bear the burden. We all know you can. Here’s the hope: if you can set this intention, you may realize that you don’t have to bear it. And if you look around, you just might find others willing to help you. 

Libra | Hierophant – Set the intention to guide others from your experience. Take a page from the book of Taurus, slow down, observe the situation, and make your intentions clear. Then others will be more apt to listen to your wisdom. (Especially the Bulls who need to hear you)

Scorpio | 9 Swords – Set the intention to get into your body and be aware of where it’s guiding you. You’re overthinking and on the hamster wheel. And that’s just going to keep you up at night. Not only that, but you’ll go through scenario after scenario and it’s not helping!

Sagittarius | 2 Pentacles – Set the intention that you’ll focus on digestion. It’s time to think about how your diet impacts your body. As with all health related statements, please discuss this and any outcomes of the intention with your doctor. (‘Cause I’m not one!)

Capricorn | Chariot – Set the intention that you’ll take your next steps towards what you desire most. You already know what they are. This is more about a mindset shift that kicks you in the ass so you stop thinking about doing the thing and actually do the thing.

Aquarius | Father Wands – Set the intention that you will honor the desire you feel in your body. The more you align with what your body is telling you is correct for you, the less friction there will be in your life.

Pisces | Ace Pentacles – Set the intention that new money is coming into your life. Put a coin or bills on the altar. Work some manifesting magic.