Your November new moon RAW tarotscopes are here! So what intentions might you want to focus on for clarity and confidence in your gay relationship? Find your sign(s) below.

Gay Intentions For The New Moon

November 2022 RAW Tarotscopes, queer tarot, gay tarot
Wild Messengers Tarot

The energy of this new moon (and eclipse!) in Scorpio is going to be intense! While an eclipse may be a good time to do a reset and discover that which is hidden, a new moon is also a great time to get started on new intentions. And because Scorpio is associated with the Death card, there’s a big refresh here should you choose to take advantage. 

Aries | 4 Wands – Set the intention to make a commitment. Temporary is well and good. But so it repetition you can count on. 

Taurus | 7 Swords – Set the intention to acknowledge the truest version of yourself. For too long you’ve hidden away the best parts of who you are. Bring them forward and see the world open up. 

Gemini | 10 Swords – Set the intention to tell the truth. This may hurt others around you. It may reveal consequences that are uncomfortable. But the truth will always out. So why not be the one who is providing?

Cancer | 9 Swords – Set the intention to explore anxiety and/or past trauma. Emotions can overwhelm and jeopardize your relationships with others. But if you work towards awareness and acknowledgement, they can be a superpower. 

Leo | 9 Cups – Set the intention to accept an offer you desire. What you’ve been wishing for is on its way. You still have choice. And the response to our wishes aren’t always what we expected. Be open to what’s to come. “A dream is a which your heart makes.” ~Jiminy Cricket, Pinocchio 

Virgo | Judgement – Set the intention to move in the direction you’re called. This calling may come as a sacral response, an intuitive hit, or an emotional wave. Either way, lean into how your body is responding and get out of your head! 

Libra | 5 Wands – Set the intention to bring new ideas. Now is not the time for balance. Sure, everyone should be heard. And that includes you. Your ideas are valid too and you should find the opportunity to voice them. You’ll be positioned as a valuable partner. 

Scorpio | 4 Cups – Set the intention to discover what’s right for you. The moments in-between a life event ending and the next one beginning are where you grow. Take some time for self reflection. What is it that you have recently enjoyed? What brought you pleasure? And, alternatively, what have you struggled to endure?

Sagittarius | Page Cups – Set the intention to be present. You’re always on the go! That constant movement can cause you to miss what’s right in front of your face. So make being present a goal. It just may surprise you.

Capricorn | 3 Cups – Set the intention to spend more time with your best Judys. Whether this is a sex party, brunch, or a walk in the woods, take the time to experience your relationships. This is the time to nurture them.

Aquarius | Emperor – Set the intention to take the lead. This may be easily modeled by the Aries sun’s and moon’s in your life. You may not know what you want until you get there. So just get started. 

Pisces | Page Wands – Set the intention to explore a new idea. This experience is very much a fake it ‘till you make it moment. Maybe you even need a little drag to get you in the spirit. For example, maybe you’ve always wanted to be verse but you’ve fallen back on bottoming. This is the time to explore the other side.