It’s time to start as you mean to go! Take a look into your sun, rising and moon signs. You just might find a triangulation that supports your new intentions for the coming moon cycle.

If you’re looking for a stronger and healthier relationship, this is the advice to get you on your way.

November new moon tarot reading gay relationship

ARIES | Ace of Stones

A new relationship is entering your life. It’s a rebirth you’ll find yourself reflected in.

TAURUS | Son of Stones

You just might find yourself slowing down and focusing on others this cycle. Especially those you care about most.

GEMINI | Justice

Look for the harmony in your relationships. There’s opportunity to balance the scales.

CANCER | Ace of Wands

Fire and water make a lot of steam. Looks like a hot and sexy new encounter.

LEO | 4 Stones

Focus on the foundation and what’s within your control.

VIRGO | Empress

The kind of loyalty that a mother has is a hallmark of your relationships this cycle.

LIBRA | Father of Stones

Sometimes working without recognition is ok. Don’t worry, those that matter know.

SCORPIO | 9 Cups

Enjoy the emotional connection you’ve worked hard to build. It’s the backbone of your relationship.


Be open to what comes, you never know what exciting discoveries it can bring!


There are hidden romantic gestures surrounding you. Look out for them.

AQUARIUS | 3 Wands 

Take the leap. If you’re questioning yourself, it’s time to move on it.

PISCES | Mother of Swords 

Time to get out of your feels and make the hard choices for the greater good.

Deeper New Moon Insights

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