Your May new moon RAW tarotscopes are here! So what intentions might you want to focus on for clarity and confidence in your gay relationship? Find your sign(s) below.

Gay Intentions For The New Moon

Wild Messengers Tarot

It’s time for a fresh start! Keep your eye on the prize and trust your instincts. Most likely you’re being inspired and guided by a higher source. Some might call this spirt, others a universal energy, and others will have terms based on their faith. 

The cool part is that you’ve been through this experience before. And since it’s not new, you can roll with the punches. 

Aries | 8 Water – Keep your eye on the horizon

Taurus | Hanged Man – Accepting new perspectives are needed

Gemini | Sister Wind – Stand up for what’s right (and learn from the experience)

Cancer | 5 Wind – Start putting together your team

Leo | Sister Water – Reality is what you make of it

Virgo | Resurrection – Follow the signs and answer the call

Libra | Fool – A fresh perspective is needed, time to step out

Scorpio | Universe – Bring previous work to an end make room for what’s next

Sagittarius | 4 Fire – Time to celebrate the moment and look to what’s possible 

Capricorn | Death – Time for a drastic change, stop what doesn’t work and move on

Aquarius | 5 Fire – Your emotions can inspire your fight for what’s best

Pisces | 7 Wind – Out of the flame and into the fire