Get ready for a week of exciting new perspectives and potential changes! It’s like riding an emotional wave with a surfboard, but don’t worry, the adrenaline will keep you upright and focused. This is your chance to explore new paths and find your balance. 

Even my own sister is going through this! She’s a total badass search and rescue person in the mountains, but health scares keep asking her to slow down. This time, she’s recognizing a pattern and opening herself up to different paths full of the same kind of love for serving others. 

So jump on your board and ride this wave of change with us! Who knows what amazing opportunities and adventures await you?

So what do you do? 

Want more insights & the rest of this content below?

*How to approach the week and manifest your heart out
*Specific guidance by astrological sign (check out your sun, moon, and rising)
*An over-arching card of the week to guide the energy of it all so you can focus on what’s most important

To begin, it’s important to recognize that change is either happening or needs to happen. Ignoring it is like turning your back on an incoming wave – you’ll get swept away. Once you’ve acknowledged it, identify your next steps, even if they’re challenging. Saying them out loud can help. It’s common to want to blame others or circumstances, but remember that this won’t help you move forward. It’s a sign of holding onto the past. Take responsibility for yourself and your future, even if it feels uncertain. This will give you the foundation you need to navigate through the changes ahead.

Intending confidence and clarity.

Card of the Week | Nut – Make clear, firm, transparent decisions. An informed decision is always easier to make clear. The trick here is that you should already have all the information you need to step into this energy. So no excessive researching or studying. Your energy can be direct and focused. And remember, every decision you make is coming from an informed place as much as it is from a loving and caring place.

Aries | Brigid – Get creative. Whatever your artistic pursuit is will be the most important. Especially effective are writing (poetry!) and following your intuition. You don’t want to be surprised, you want to be surprising! The point is to express yourself for your own growth or another’s understanding.

Taurus | 3 Wands – Formally kickoff what’s next. While the plans are already in place, it’s time to let others know what you’re doing and how it’s going to go down. Be clear and positive about the outcome. 

Gemini | Hanged Man – Lead by example. Represent your unique perspective by embodying it. You could talk until the cows come home about what others should see or how they could do something. No one is gonna listen. But if you are leading through example, then they’ll follow. 

Cancer | 3 Stones – Focus on teamwork. Step into the role of leading the team. Whether they’re your best Judy’s or a professional group, someone has to take charge right now and that can be you. Agree on a way forward, delegate, have accountability, and be clear on outcomes. 

Leo | 5 Cups – Honor loss and inevitable grief. When things aren’t working out or come to a natural conclusion there is a period of grief that follows. Give yourself the time to grieve what was (because it was important) and honor the time you had. 

Virgo | 6 Cups – Be open to spiritual awareness resurfacing. An experience that used to be natural that was conditioned to be repressed is becoming accessible again. Let it shape as it will, because the experience is reforming for who you are today.

Libra | 9 cups – Make a choice between the devil you know and the devil you don’t. Going down the unknown path will lead to childhood experiences that need to be addressed. Going down the known path appears to be a lot more comfortable and accessible. Both are valid, both will have different outcomes.

Scorpio | 4 Stones – Surface tension indicates you’re in the right place at the right time. This can go so many ways. I’ve never seen this card represented like this before. So here are some options: surface tension can be literally represented by the tension of water in a container (for example); surface tension can be the way your skin feels when everything tightens in response to a stimulus; and surface tension can be that sense of crackling energy in a room or between two people right before someone speaks and brings you back to reality. 

Sagittarius | Parsival – Go all in with a full heart. Open yourself to the possibilities of what can be. Trust yourself when you feel love. And follow that emotional response.

Capricorn | Isis – Be in service. If you know who or what you’re meant to be in service to, trust that. You’ll also need to educate yourself on the circumstances to which you’re offering your services. In a Dom/sub situation, this will happen naturally with an experienced Dom/sub. If you’re in service to a romantic relationship, be clear about equity and parity. If you’re in service to a professional relationship, look for courses to level up, mentors to guide, or coaches to redirect and encourage. 

Aquarius | Chariot – Trust your instincts. You can practice trusting your intuition if this advice seems far away. An example of this is when you walk into a room what do you feel: the need to get out or the comfort of staying? Then follow your intuition and follow up on your choice. Was it right to stay or go? Why?

Pisces | 8 Stones – Focus on repeatable precision. You can’t do this alone. You’ll need to choose a suitable partner that can help you succeed. This might seem daunting, but a simple list of qualities will help you focus on what’s most important in the partner. 
