This Aries new moon is asking for a lot of transformation! I’ve heard astrologers talking about taking this one easy, laying low, and the intense energy it’s bringing. And I encourage you to remember, if you’re hearing those same messages, that they’re for the masses. They’re a general insight and awareness. The astrologer isn’t reading for you, they’re reading a feeling of collective energy.

Personally, this new moon is like heightened energy for me. New moons usually are. But this one feels intense and driving. As someone with an Aries moon and a sun in Taurus (‘cause we’re there now) I feel like the world is more right now. 

So if you’re feeling some kinda way right now, trust you and your experiences. That will take you further assuming you should be experiencing shelter because it’s all too much. I mean, have you met a Taurus with an Aries moon (we can be intense people when provoked).

Anyway, what else have these cards got to add? A little nuance to the intensity. This week asks you to reflect on what home means to you. Capricorn & Sagittarius are going to feel this the most. And may even be guides for the rest of us. Whether that’s a place or a feeling, home is the goal. And everything you’re feeling, how you’re reacting, the experiences you remember when the word “home” is said is conditioning that you can choose to keep or release. 

Want more insights & the rest of this content below?

*How to approach the week and manifest your heart out
*Specific guidance by astrological sign (check out your sun, moon, and rising)
*An over-arching card of the week to guide the energy of it all so you can focus on what’s most important

When you think of HOME:

  • What do you feel in your body?
  • What center activates?
  • Do you notice your head taking over and justifying or negating the experiences you’re having?

Lean into these experiences. Explore where they came from. And then focus on one. 

Take time this week to understand more about that experience and why it’s expressing itself the way it is. You can do this through:

  • Meditation
  • Pulling cards/getting a reading
  • Exploring your human design/Genekeys sequences

Intending confidence and clarity.

Card of the Week | Soul, Dragonfly – Live in the moment. Those who have come before you have passed on what they know. And there will always be more of that. But for a moment, think of yourself as that elder for others around you. Your wisdom is of and for now. It isn’t timeless, but it will change the world.

Aries | 10 Earth, Peacock – Share the truest version of who you are today. The peacock has a lot of myth around it. It has many “eyes.” And it can see deeper and further than most. This sight can be your greatest gift and your largest hinderance. Instead of staying in what may come take this time to ground yourself in the present. Shake your tail loose and let us see how beautiful you are.

Taurus | 5 Air, Black Bear – Actively focus on your needs. It’s natural for you to understand your own body’s needs. Whether this is the food you’re putting into your body or the exercise you instinctively know it needs (or doesn’t) or the doctor’s visit for guidance, you’re the best caretaker of you. Don’t sleep on this energy. Do something with it. 

Gemini | Master Fire, Lion – Live for today. Lion brings powerful wisdom that guides you to take advantage of the moment. That can mean resting with purpose and/or hunting to satisfy your needs. Trust your intuition. It’s guided you this far. Look to it focus you into the activity that takes you to the next level.

Cancer | 2 Water, Otter – Reach out for those you love. Your relationships are special and valuable. Not only that, they’re medicine for your soul. So reconnect. Take time to reinvest. Tell others how you feel about them. It’s like handing them your special otter rock. 

Leo | 8 Air, Cheetah – Focus with clear intention. There’s a lot of distraction looking for your attention. So how do you focus? Work with your strategy and authority to know what’s right for you. Anyone can have an opinion about what you should do. But you know what you must focus on. Decide and then focus fully on that intention. 

Virgo | Soul Water, Hippopotamus – Open to love. It’s time to be all in. If you’re not all in your only hurting yourself and those around you. Detachment is the result of fear based living. So choose, whether this love is for yourself or someone else. This can be really challenging when living with past trauma. Be kind to yourself and start there, with loving you, if this is the case.

Libra | 10 Water, Dolphin – Be joy and love. This will be different for everyone. Still, Dolphin has some great guidance here. Find play in what you love. Like you before you were 10. You’ve reached a state of clarity, understanding, and mastery, and that opens you up to the possibility of what’s next. So break some rules. Toss an unexpected bit of crazy into what you already know and see where it takes you. Forget about the consequences (no subjective good or bad here) and play. 

Scorpio | 9 Earth, Chipmunk – Stand your ground when necessary. The chipmunk knows when it’s time to go and when it’s safe to stay. Here’s the thing, they stay because they’re protecting their stash and possibly their family. It’s about ensuring comfort and stability for those they care about the most. So this week’s advice isn’t from the perspective of defending the self, it’s about standing up for everything that matters. 

Sagittarius | Home, Sea Turtle – See yourself for the beautiful being you are. This is a tough one to actualize. It takes a lifetime. So it’s not going to happen in a week. But what you can work through is developing a foundation you can come back to when you need to remember that you are always in the right place in the right time. Even if you can only see it in retrospect. The practice you’re building this week is how to see yourself as perfect right now and in this moment. Look for the patterns that you can love and honor (and then keep or release). Look for the people in your life that you can love and honor (and then keep or release). See the practice here?

Capricorn | Trickster, Raven – Acknowledge the lies you’re telling yourself. Our lies are a result of conditioning and fear. Of course this can take a lifetime to release. And you may shed conditioning every seven years or so. So this is about the practice of how to identify and acknowledge the conditioning you discover. Pay close attention to how you talk to yourself and others. Phrases like, “That’s dumb,” I’m sorry but,” “[statement of belief]…right?” These may indicate conditioning that can be honored for keeping you safe at one time but are no longer needed.

Aquarius | 6 Air, Mountain Goat – Take one step at a time. The mountain goat doesn’t go leaping around mountains. They would fall to their death. They do take measured and careful steps to ensure they reach their goal. And so should you this week. So you may need to focus and plan. Or maybe create some milestones to focus your attention. And then feel your way between here and there. 

Pisces | 6 Earth, Frog – Find a healthy balance. Patterns in your life existed for a reason. But patterns can get stuck on repeat or carry over into new experiences when they’re no longer necessary. Because they feel safe and bring a sense of security. Remember that change is constant. Change is a new stage of personal growth. The trick this week is to activate on that change in an effort to find balance for yourself.
