You’re being given an opportunity to be reborn this week. There’s a conspiracy to not only give you guidance but to also give you the means to bring personal awareness, growth, and success to the forefront. 

I don’t mean material success. I mean a sense of being in the right place at the right time. The feeling that you’re doing the right thing. The experience of knowing what you do matters to you because it’s likely in service of others. 

To know yourself is not always easy. And as you continue to grow, you’re an ever changing landscape. But this week awareness is at a peak. Resources for how to engage and transcend that awareness are available. All you have to do is take advantage of the opportunity.

Want more insights & the rest of this content below?

*How to approach the week and manifest your heart out
*Specific guidance by astrological sign (check out your sun, moon, and rising)
*An over-arching card of the week to guide the energy of it all so you can focus on what’s most important

Here’s several of ways that you can take advantage of this energy:

  • Work with ancestors or spirit guides
  • Reach out to spiritual mentors, counselors, guides, etc. (Can be diviners, coaches) for greater awareness and advice
  • Perform workings and spells, dress candles, and then activate on those intentions
  • Consider your physical health as much as your spiritual health – what you do and eat matters to cell regeneration
  • Focus on a deconditioning (also a 7 year cycle like cells) practice 

Intending confidence and clarity.

Card of the Week | Judgement – Pay attention to the signs & synchronicities around you. Looks for repeating numbers, words or sayings that resonate with your activities and goals, phrases that others may have said to you, etc. Then reflect on what was happening in the moment. Were you thinking about what you want to achieve? Were you going about your day and headed somewhere?  These connections are the signs that remind you you’re in the right place at the right time.

Aries | Knight Swords – Put your plans into action. Stop planning and actually do what you’ve been thinking about. At some point you end up with paralysis by analysis. Now is the time to just go. As a result, you’ll have new information to act on. 

Taurus | Ace Pentacles – Plant the seeds of success today for benefit tomorrow. Focus on a manifestation ritual. Put money in savings with intention. Address your own personal growth by putting action behind awareness.

Gemini | 8 Wands – “It’s time to trust my instincts, close my eyes and leap. It’s time to try defying gravity”. You’ve got a shit-ton of ideas. Try one. See what happens. As long as you’re doing no one harm, you can’t lose. 

Cancer | King Pentacles – Act like the CEO. You’re in charge of what you manifest. And if you leave to others, you’ll get what they think you need. So get your hands in what it is that you’re trying to create. 

Leo | Knight Wands – Share your vision. Present your ideas as the future. If you see where a project or program should be and others are not there with you, share the future state. Everyone may not be ready for it. But when then are, they’ll remember you. Try to refrain from, “I told you so.”

Virgo | High Priestess – Decide on the truth. Everything you’ve been told is not the same as everything you know. There’s a deep inner knowing of the lessons of your ancestors that resides within.  And you have experiences throughout your life that add to that inner knowing. 

Libra | Empress – “Mama will provide”. The earth is reawakening in the northern hemisphere. Look to her for signs of how to approach your manifestation. This may result in you realizing you need to get your hands dirty in order to achieve your goals. This also gets you away from the choice and duality of the last couple of weeks!

Scorpio | 6 Swords – Trust your inner knowing and chosen guides. How you do this is rarely easy. It takes practice and faith. So if you’re not already at the point of trust, focus on the practice so you have the experience when this comes around again. Human Design is a great way to define your inner knowing and how to chose the best guides for you.

Sagittarius | 10 Pentacles – Focus on (chosen) family. Call your mother! 🤣 There’s a reason family is important this week. Either they have lessons to teach you, guidance to give, or they’re a piece of a larger puzzle to your success. So if speaking isn’t an option, try reflecting on experiences or lessons they’ve given you.

Capricorn | Page Swords – Create no small plans . Dream big and plan for the outcome of your dreamy-dream world. The worst is that you might fall short and learn some lessons along the way. At best, you actually achieve the dream. So take a pause, consider what you’ve learned and can incorporate, identify what you have yet to learn, and then plan for your success.

Aquarius | 10 Wands – You can’t do it all alone. You can do a lot. Really. You’re amazing. But when you work with others you can achieve so much more. Get clear on what you need to focus on and what others can help you with. Then you’ll lessen the burden on you (subsequently on others) and reach your goal that much faster. 

Pisces | King Swords – Be a transparent guide. When others come to you for insight or advice, be clear about the potential outcomes, pitfalls, and opportunities. You’ve been down their road and now is your opportunity to give back. How does this help you? You’re passing knowledge on to future generations and changing the world. 
