The opportunity we receive from interacting with others is a gift that shows us the truest nature of ourselves. Today it’s easy to stay connected through our devices and “being on.” But what if you were shut it down?

When I would visit my grandparents in Oregon I had no choice but to shut down my electronic tethers. Their house was at the base of a mountain. It couldn’t receive cell service. It required a huge satellite dish (until they got smaller) to receive TV stations. Radio, a piano, and records were the only artificial sounds.

In this communal hermitage, we experienced the sounds of the forest, the squish of the pasture, the crash of waterfalls, the rush of the river, crackles from the fire, and engaging with each other. So we were given perspective and mirrors without even trying.

Today, and especially this week, it’s time to go back to that experience. However you may find it for you. 

Want more insights & the rest of this content below?

*How to approach the week and manifest your heart out
*Specific guidance by astrological sign (check out your sun, moon, and rising)
*An over-arching card of the week to guide the energy of it all so you can focus on what’s most important

So here’s some ideas that might get you in the headspace I’m suggesting:

  • Walk out to the forest (or forest preserve or park) and spend time there. Maybe take some friends.
  • Find a body of water that flows or licks or crashes and listen for what it has to tell you. Spend the afternoon there. And meet friends later for a bonfire (if it’s something you won’t get arrested for)
  • Ask a friend to suggest a new place to go where you can go through something together you have’t experienced before. Then ensure there’s time afterward to honor the moments together and apart and share with each other what you experienced.

Intending confidence and clarity.

Card of the Week | Hermit – Step away and focus inward. Retreating from everything is nearly impossible these days. There’s a lot to give up should you choose the path of the hermit. Still, the intention of the Hermit is accessible. This week brings the beginning of a new journey of personal awareness, self-acknowledgement, and acceptance. Following this period, you’ll be ready to emerge with newfound insights about yourself, your choices, and your path.

Aries | Ace Pentacles – Invest in a singular focus. You take in a lot of information and process it all very astutely. However, this week, where you focus will manifest. So turn your attention to what matters most. To that which you want to spend your time on seeing a return.

Taurus | 2 Pentacles – Look around you for support. There are others who are willing and able to be a part of what you’re doing. Instead of focusing on what you have to do, take a moment to see who’s available to support you and then you just might want to involve them!

Gemini | 9 Wands – Set boundaries. You may need to do one or more of the following: cord cutting, protection spell, physical boundaries, or clear language. There’s something brewing that you need to protect and others are set to take advantage. Not through malice. But this growing idea is meant for you so be purposeful in the sharing of it. 

Cancer | 8 Swords – Acknowledge spiritual boundaries. You will create your own barriers to your spirituality. Whether that is through conditioning from others or experiences. Once you are able to acknowledge them then you can choose to maintain them purposefully or find your way through them.

Leo | 2 cups – Look for the mirror of yourself in others. Be around others so you can observe their behavior. And then reflect on your own based on what you’ve observed. You may even find that talking to the people you’re observing is helpful.

Virgo | Queen Swords – Suffer no fools. Be clear bout your intention, state your decision, and include transparency. And remember, you have a spiritual team behind you. 

Libra | Ace Cups – Acknowledge trauma that surfaces. You’re surrounded by love. Though sometimes love comes from others with expectations or requirements rather than given freely. These traumas will ask you to take another look at what love is and what it means to you. 

Scorpio | Hanged Man – Trust another change your experience. Your inquisitive nature often provides insights and perspectives that inform your experience. This week, release the inquisition and allow for the moment. When someone else offers an experience that you haven’t had before, step into it. 

Sagittarius | 8 Pentacles – Align your effort to being in service of another. Your skills are valuable and needed by others who are important to you. 

Capricorn | King Wands – Invite others into your imagination. You have a plethora of ideas floating around. What good is it to keep them all to yourself? When you explore with others you just may realize which ideas are meant for you to enact and which can be given away.

Aquarius | 7 Swords – Take only what you need. It may be easy to collect everything. But bringing together only that which is necessary to succeed is an art. 

Pisces | Knight Pentacles – Prepare with intention. Focus on where it is that you want to be or the goal you want to achieve. Then work backwards to determine the steps you need to succeed. Identify the milestones and any additional steps between reaching those milestones. Then get going! There’s no time like the present. 
