There are two sides to every story. As we enter into Pisces season and the energy of the Moon in Scorpio, there’s a lot of emotional discovery with the need to share why things are the way they are. This can generate challenges in our most important relationships!

And this week is no different. Nut reinforces that energy and guides us to make choices out of love. Plus all the majors are riding the energy of duality. i.e., there’s two sides to every story. So make sure you trust your inner Verse right now. 

I experienced this energy very intensely in the last few days. And it’s going to be here for a minute! I was listening to an employee tell me what their next steps were for a deliverable. And the language they used sounded as if they’d regressed into some behavior I was working to correct, as well as delaying the deliverable. I LOST MY PATIENCE. And I DESTROYED them in front of my team. 

I had to do some serious back tracking. Instead of coming from a place of empathy and love, I let frustration take over. I was mad. And I shared very clearly how I saw why things why they way they were. And I was wrong. So I had to resolve my error. (I did, we’re good)

My point is that I was focused on one side of the story. My emotions got the better of me. And I started sharing what I thought about why things were they way they were.  

I should’ve instead lead with empathy and curiosity. I wasn’t ready for this energy that’s in full throttle right now. 

So take a lesson from my mistake! And invite in empathetic transparency and assume positive intent. 

Intending confidence and clarity.

Card of the Week | Nut – Transparency is a form of self-care and love. Those you love will benefit from you being as clear as possible. That doesn’t mean that you should be cruel. But rather, lead with empathy and coming from a place of love as you reveal what others need to know. 

Aries | Justice – What you put out will return. This week is the time to receive. You’ve been putting out so much lately. Watch it come back, take it in, and you’ll know what to do next.

Taurus | Old Man – Make use of relationships. You have a network of people who know you and what you bring to the table. You may need to work in the background to achieve the ultimate goal. And that means bringing others to the front after you help them succeed.

Gemini | 8 Stones – Focus on successful repetition. The goal you’re working to achieve is accessible. As long as you have a process you can repeat, you’ll continue to accomplish what’s next on your list. 

Cancer | Sun – Step into center stage. Own your achievements and successes when you’re being recognized. And let others see you fully for everything you are and can be. You don’t have to stay there, but it’s a necessary next step.

Leo | Krishna – Use your charisma to your advantage. This will be unique to each Leo. You may use sex appeal, popularity, magnetism, ego, whatever tool is at your disposal to draw attention and create influence. 

Virgo | Wheel – Pull the trigger. It’s time to get moving on your next steps. If you don’t start the inertia, it will start for you. And I’m betting you’d rather have a bit more control over what’s to come. 😉

Libra | Ra – Be direct with empathy. Language is powerful and can impact others significantly. Especially when you’re in a position of power. Consider not only what you need to achieve, but also what others are going through based on their previous and current experiences. Keep that in mind and you’ll be golden.

Scorpio | 4 Cups – Keep the onslaught at bay. Others are going to try and tell you who you are and what they want you to do. Ask for a moment to consider what’s coming your way. I would recommend you don’t react right away. Give yourself the space to feel what you want your next action to be. I.e., get out of your head and into your emotional wave. 

Sagittarius | 7 Stones – Prep for what’s to come. Gather what you need to succeed. Whether that’s clarity of time, resources like other people, or funding. If you’re working to manifest the relationship you want most, this is like prepping for a date.  Agree on a place and time, how you’ve got a friend on call in you need to bail, and have some cash ready to pay for the meal and travel.

Capricorn | Odin – Use your emotional awareness for good. This Pisces energy is impacting you significantly. Your heightened emotional intelligence gives you the ability to manipulate or positively impact others. Once you’re down a path, it’s hard to turn back. So be purposeful with your actions. 

Aquarius | Aeon – Invite others to their best lives. You’re seeing how others can be successful this week. That will drive you crazy (because they won’t listen) and make you feel amazing (when they do listen). To make this easier, invite others only after they’ve asked for your help and insight.

Pisces | High Priestess – Reveal secrets with purpose. It’s your season! Your heightened emotional awareness is connecting you to others in a way that they feel you can see right through them. Some find this incredibly sexy. And others are scared! So as you read them, be gentle, and know why you’re reading.