Personal growth has the potential to expand by leaps and bounds this week. A quick idea, an agreement to create with someone else, an opportunity that you say yes to may suddenly put you on a clear path to your true calling while living on purpose. Guides are ever-present and ready to show you the way. All you have to do is be available to be a part of what’s being offered while delivering your unique contribution.

Tarot has been a part of my life since I was 10. When I was given my first deck as a present without much thought. Once it was in my hands I said YES. I knew I was meant to be working with this tool What I didn’t know was why or for what purpose. 

At the time, the why or purpose didn’t matter. I was just enthralled with the possibility. And that’s what the energy of this week should feel like. The excitement of something new opening doors you never even dreamed existed. A feeling of possibility. A sense of coming home. 

There isn’t anything for you to do for this energy to appear. It’s going to present itself. All you need to is accept it in order for it to take root. Much like me accepting that tarot deck, when an offer comes your way, you have a choice. You can accept the offer or you can refuse. 

How do you even know if you should accept what comes your way? This is where two tools are available to you.

  1. Tarot Reading
  2. Human Design

If you have access to booking a tarot reader (hint: YOU DO! 😉) you can book a reading once the offer comes your way. Explore the potential outcomes of accepting or refusing the offer. Discuss the paths that may appear or that you may choose as a result of the offer you’ve received. The hardest part is then acting on your new information. The intel is only as useful as the action take as a result of it.

If you’re going the Human Design route – utilize the decision maker you have within. Trust your strategy and authority to help you know if you should act on the offer. For example, I’m a sacral authority and my strategy is to respond. Once the offer presents itself, I can respond by saying yes/no to the offer. The trick is to trust my authority in the right order. My sacral authority will respond first (I’ve learned this through experimentation).  It will have a resounding YES or NO before I even verbalize. 

Your authority may be different as may your strategy. But using it means you always have access to the best decision maker in the world – YOU!

Card of the Week | 4 Cups – Pay attention to who’s around you. Take note! Pay attention to your focus. Self-awareness isn’t self-absorption. Others are a mirror for you. And if you leave them out of the equation, you’re doing yourself a disservice.

Aries | Sun – Trust the process. Stay focused on your goal. And keep moving forward. That doesn’t mean barrel through. You’ve already set the goals and milestones. There will be interruptions. The more agile you are the more successful you’ll be.

Taurus | Empress – Time to reinvent yourself. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but forget the past for a moment. Whether or not you reflect on who you are today, be the best version of you today. The experiences you have this week are about who you are becoming.

Gemini | 4 Wands – Make a personal commitment. Start by writing your vows, say the words out loud, and honor the promise. This isn’t to lock you in. It’s mean to be a ritual that you can reflect back on. No matter the outcome.

Cancer | Page Swords – Be rash (and maybe a little brash). This doesn’t mean rude. This is a week of trusting your instincts. And that will come with a certain amount of arrogance. 

Leo | Judgement – Trust your inner sense of knowing. This is going to take practice if you don’t already know how to do it. Practice trusting and ignoring your intuition and note the outcome. Or practice trusting and ignoring your gut response. 

Virgo | King Wands – Act with precision and swiftness. Step out with purpose and don’t waste time in our interactions or choices. Your experiences will inform your choices and help you. 

Libra | 8 Swords – Set clear boundaries. You’ll not only need to be clear about what your boundaries are, you’ll also need to be sure your enforce them. This week may require you to stand your ground on several occasions. 

Scorpio | High Priestess – A guide is present to show you the way. Whatever it is that you’re trying to manifest, you’ll receive a guide who can help you. Sometimes they’re very obvious, sometimes not so much. They’ll offer support and all you have to do is accept.

Sagittarius | 8 Wands – Your next steps are on an open road. No more planning. No more milestones. It’s time to take action and get moving. 

Capricorn | King Swords – Put your ideas into action. Concepts are easy. It’s doing something about them that is necessary. Trust your strategy and authority to guide you to which concept is the most important to act on. 

Aquarius | 5 Pentacles – Let your wounds heal. If things aren’t working out, you just might need to do some personal healing. Take time away from those you’ve been around to see what you need to heal.

Pisces | 4 Pentacles – Take what’s most important. If you try and hold onto everything, you’ll end up with nothing. Focus on what’s most valuable to you and ensure that it’s a part of you or coming with you in some way.