The Lovers is front and center this week. Fitting for Valentine’s day. 💘 Your interpersonal relationships will be teaching you lesson about how to connect with others in a way that’s important to you and them. 

But wait, there’s more! You also get the opportunity to recognize the gifts you bring to others in a deep and meaningful way. And then experience what it’s like to know if those you hold most dear are the right people in your life.

The lesson at large (not to diminish the others) is learning whether or not you should let go or double down on your investment. 

So what do you do? This can all be pretty intense.

The intensity comes because you’re in relationship to another person. And you most likely have empathy. I.e., you don’t want to hurt them. 

The experience you’re having isn’t about hurting the other person. It’s about your personal growth and how you continue to bring yourself to the relationships you value. 

Reflect on how you want to bring yourself to relationships and what you most want from them. You’ll start to see patterns and behaviors in you and others that you want to stop, continue, or see start. This may extend itself to the relationship as a whole

Communicate your new awareness and desires with empathy. 

Intending confidence and clarity!

Card of the Week | Page Wands – Learn more about what excites you. Do more than just read. Now’s a great time to get your hands dirty. Experiment with the thing. If you can’t get paid, volunteer for it. If you’ve always wanted to be a power bottom called Daddy, do it and see how it feels. 

Aries | 9 Pentacles – Your skills will help you succeed. And not just the natural ones. It’s the skills you’ve mastered over time. The trainings that have helped you perfect aptitude and what you do best. 

Taurus | Temperance – Find balance in all things. Take time to take in your surroundings, your choices, and what you’re most focused on. Ask yourself, What are you missing; what also needs your attention? And then choice will present itself as you rebalance. 

Gemini | 2 Wands – Lean into inspiration. The ideas are coming fast and furious this week. And some will stand out more than others. But with so many where do you focus? Trust your strategy and authority to guide you in the right direction. 

Cancer | Lovers – Focus on your most important relationships. Reinforce the connection through acts of service and communication. You may even find yourself recommitting to specific agreements.

Leo | Knight Pentacles – Focus on your health. Remember when you’re on an airplane and they tell you to put your mask on before helping others? That’s what this energy is this week. Reset on your food, set the doctor’s appointment, get your exercise in. When you’re healthy, then you’re available for others.

Virgo | Empress – Be guided by your intuition. Reconnect with the earth and ground yourself. Once you’ve done that it’s time to practice your intuitive responses through trial and error. This week will help you hone your intuition for the future. 

Libra | 10 Swords – Acceptance of the end. The first step in acceptance is acknowledgement. Once you acknowledge that you’ve reached an ending, then you can move towards it, through it, and past it. 

Scorpio | King Pentacles – You have all the resources you need. There’s nothing you must do this week. Enjoy what you have. And if there’s a lever you need to pull to continue your manifestation work, look to what resources already exist and are within your reach. 

Sagittarius | Page Cups – Be surprised. If you are moving through the world this week and you’re in awe, you’re in the right place. It’s not about shock value. This experience is realizing that there’s something so incredible out there that you weren’t even aware of that is within your grasp. Lean into that and see where it takes you.

Capricorn | Ace Swords – Trust your inner knowing. This takes a lot of practice if you’re not already used to it. Clairvoyance isn’t always “seeing” the future, sometimes it’s just “knowing” what is about to happen before it does. You’ll feel this more than experience it in your head. Later your head will try and make sense of it. But there’s nothing to make sense of. You just knew. 

Aquarius | Devil – Your emotional response is a guiding light. Any offers made this week need some time to marinate before you respond. It’s not that they’re trying to deceive you, it’s just that you need a little more time to make the best decision. So give yourself the week, at least, if you can. Stay out of your head and trust how you feel about the offer.

Pisces | 4 Swords – Seek inner guidance. If you already know your human design type, strategy, and authority, this is an easy one. If you don’t you may need to be guided by your sacral response, your emotional response, your intuition, or your ego. Use the inner authority that works best for you and you’ll be prepared for whatever may come.

How do you apply Manifesting Monday ?

Manifesting Monday is an opportunity for you to achieve your goals by utilizing the energy of the week based on your astrological “big 3.”

*Take a moment and think about what you’d like to achieve this week. Whether it’s a milestone you’re trying to reach or a singular goal for the week, keep that in mind.
*Read the general insights in the weekly post.
*Read about the card I pulled for your sign, and what you need to do for your week. 
*Apply the advice of the card to your circumstance.

Along the #ManifestingMonday journey you may learn something about yourself in connection with what you’re trying to achieve 

I’d love to hear what you learn about yourself!