Your July new moon RAW tarotscopes are here! So what intentions might you want to focus on for clarity and confidence in your gay relationship? Find your sign(s) below.
Gay Intentions For The New Moon
Start with gratitude. Acknowledge the hard work you’ve put in and what it’s yielded. Secondly, start exploring what’s next. Challenge your hard and set boundaries. Discover new relationships (yes, answer that Grindr ding, flirt with a stranger, and RSVP for that meeting). Lastly, be available for the transition that is to come. It will only come if you are prepared to receive it.
Aries | Wheel of Fortune: Start enacting change. If you don’t do it soon, change will come for you. What better time could there be for stretching out towards something beautiful and new? A new moon calls for us to set change in motion.
Taurus | Sun: Set the intention to inspire others. The energy the Sun brings you is inspiring, and that will in turn make others notice you.
Gemini | Protector: Set enjoyment of the present as your intention. When you’re constantly on the lookout for all the answers, you can exhaust yourself. Be here. Today. Now.
Cancer | 4 Pentacles: Be practical with your finances. If that’s a struggle for you, reach out for help. Set a financial goal and work out how to get there.
Leo | Fool: This is a great month for experimentation. Try out the harness you’ve left hanging in your closet. Maybe bring some hot water and ice cubes into the bedroom, and see where that takes your experience of physical sensation.
Virgo | 7 Swords: Set the intention that you will free yourself from the expectations of others. It won’t be easy. It might be embarrassing. Remember that it’s a restriction which doesn’t serve you or allow you to be at your best.
Libra | 4 Swords: Intend to rest and prepare. Resting is active, and so is preparation. You might forget that they can also be one in the same. If you allow yourself to be well rested, then you’ve prepared yourself for the mental agility you need.
Scorpio | 9 Wands: Intend to defend. This is different than picking a fight or being in one deliberately. Defensiveness allows you to respond rather than initiate an offensive in reflex.
Sagittarius | 4 Wands: Intentionally strengthen your existing network. Call on those most important to you. Bring them together if it makes sense.
Capricorn | 10 Swords: Accepting endings is important. Without an ending, there isn’t room for new beginnings. These conclusions will be external to you, and they won’t be actions you take.
Aquarius | Ace Swords: Intentionally generate new moments of clarity. It may feel as if you’re repeating yourself. If you come at the experience as if it’s new for the person/people you’re sharing with, then it will show them that you’re inspired.
Pisces | 5 Wands: Intend to fight for the greater good. When you are unaware that you’re fighting for a singular viewpoint, you’ve already lost the opportunity to create something better than you found it.