Your January new moon RAW tarotscopes are here! So what intentions might you want to focus on for clarity and confidence in your gay relationship? Find your sign(s) below.

Gay Intentions For The New Moon

ComingOutTarot, tarotscopes, gay tarot, queer tarot, tarot relationships
Haindl Tarot

Aries | 6 Swords: Focus on where you’re headed and plan accordingly.

Taurus | White Buffalo Woman: Get in touch with your inner sense of wonder, magic, and see from new perspectives.

Gemini | Ra: Make your choices based on experience and outcomes.

Cancer | Pan: Energy may be misdirected, time to get grounded and focused.

Leo | Old Man: The spotlight has dimmed and being background support is optimal – you’ll be recognized later.

Virgo | Tower: Tear it down and start over – you just might find what’s most important to you.

Libra | 8 Stones: Experience is a powerful teacher. Go for the experience. 

Scorpio | 5 Cups: Not getting your needs met? Intend that your losses should be cut.

Sagittarius | 8 Wands: Your energy is scattered, get focused and you’ll hit your target.

Capricorn | Ace Wands: New ideas are emerging, explore them or they’ll drive you nuts.

Aquarius | 8 Cups: If you’re emotions are unsettled, do you know why? If yes – it’s time for next steps. If no – dig in before you move on.

Pisces | Hanged Man: Go deeper, what memories come up? How did you get to this point?