Client: “I want to know all the things!”

Me: “But knowing all the things right away isn’t going to help you right now.”

Client: “You know everything about me, I want to know how!”

I know, I know, I wanted to know all the things too. Because when you hear about your design for the first time, you feel as if someone finally gets you. And that experience with alignment is engaging, enticing, intoxicating, and inviting.

I walked through a foundational conversation with this extraordinary person about their Human Design because they shared before we talked that they wanted to go through this experience because they’re stepping beyond their perceived sense of self. With their personal limitations recently lifted, and an availability they had previously shut down, today they’re open to the possibility of everything they can be.

YES. I’m here for it. Let’s do it.

I’m going to drive though. You may need more of one type of information than the other to get started. You may need me to throttle the speed we’re moving at so you can really take in and process information.

What you may not know is that if you pile on too much on the front end of a consultation you can’t see where you’re going. Then you can’t see or feel if your inner GPS is recalculating. So slow down a bit and you can choose your path in alignment with your strategy and authority. And then you can say, “I want (or don’t want) to be [insert place or thing].” Instead of saying, “How TF did I end up in this place?”

Your experience is the “the thing.” Not the report you receive. Not your type. Not the goal you’ve set for yourself. In this instance, the client’s goal is verbalized as an improved version of self. However, I know (because we’ve worked together for over a year at this point) that the underlying motivation is improved relationships. Fortunately, the underlying motivation feeds the goal.

In order to complement the rest of the work this person is doing, I needed to customize their approach to this information. I know that when you start with your strategy and inner authority and really get experienced at recognizing how they work and that they’re in your corner, working for YOU, then you’ve already won. (The more you know…)

Their definition, profile, type, and authority helped me know how to approach sharing the knowledge of their design. It also helped me know how much to share in an initial setting. And it really defined how they can experiment with what they’ve just learned.

Within 24 hours they had reached back out and shared so many new awarenesses about their relationships and how they were feeling a new sense of self. I encouraged them to keep going. Because now the real work begins and transformation is on the horizon.