If you can answer the question, how do you learn tarot, you just might learn tarot quickly and easily.

How do you learn Tarot?


Think about what your learning style is. Are you a visual learner? If you are (tarot is going to be great because it’s full of all kinds of images!), Youtube is a great please to get started.

With YouTube you can have that deck out in front of you. You can have the video playing. You follow along, watching the cards while they’re talking about the lesson.

You get the experience of self directed learning while seeing what you need to see and hearing what you need to hear.

You’re experiencing learning in the way that you like to learn. 
~Seth, Coming Out Tarot

You get to follow along with the instructor. You can rely on the video if you want. You can forward if you’re feeling like you got that part. Having the visual with the deck in front of you helps you make stronger correlations between the conceptual lesson and what’s happing in front of you.


You might also think about step by step learning. If you dig around on Pinterest for tarot pins you’re going to find more than just tarot cards. In fact, search for @comingouttarot on Pinterest. You’ll find my boards. You’re going to find some of my infographics about the journey to excellence, how to find the best tarot reader for you, you’re going to find those step by step things.

You’re also going to find step by step graphics on how to intereprate a tarot card. There’s a lot of that out there. What they’re putting out there is what they think the tarot cards means but I find it to also be a lot of generic common things.

Instructor Led

Some people like to go to class. You may like having an instructor. Having training with someone live is experiential.  That training isn’t pre-recorded and still visual. It isn’t just a self-paced step-by-step experience.

You’re with someone where you can have the safety and the comfort of being with an instructor who’s been a tarot reader for a while and “done this.” Someone who can walk you though some of the steps that might work for you. Or help you to realize that “this” is a step that you don’t need at all.

Just because somebody else said a technique was gonna work doesn’t mean it’s gonna work for you at all. And to have the comfort of knowing you’re going to be with someone who’s been through all of that to say, “you know, if it works for you 👍🏻, FY. And if it doesn’t, then let that shit go.” It’s the right place to be.

So if I asked you how do you learn tarot and you said you like learning with other people then being in a live class is best for you. It could be a little intimidating in the beginning ‘cause you’re going to be pulling cards and answering other people’s questions.

Getting Tarot Reading Experience.

There’s only two ways to get experience in reading tarot.

  1. Reading for yourself
  2. Reading for other people

If you’re going to read for yourself it won’t take long to get comfortable reading for yourself. But if you wanna read for other people, you’re going to have to read for someone else at some point. And the best time to do that is in a class with other people who are learning with you.

Experience in Class

In class you’re all forgiving of each other as you learn what the cards mean for you. You’re inclined to be supportive of interpreting the cards. And what they might mean to someone else opens possibility for you.

If you’re with other people who are learning with you for similar or the same reasons, like reading for yourself or for others, that’s a safe space. And who wouldn’t want to be in the safe space? And I guarantee you that you’ll go further faster in learning with other people than if you were learning on your own.

I love to learn on my own. But I know that learning tarot happens faster when you’re working with other people. ‘Cause I’ve done both.

Your Most Important Decision – How Do You Learn Tarot?

What’s your style of learning? If you know your style then you can approach each one of these opportunities in the way that works the best for you.

If you give yourself to learning tarot it can be a lifelong project. So knowing how you learn will serve you throughout your journey.

Learning tarot is an ongoing education with tarot resources and with resources outside of the tarot sphere. Because tarot is representative of the human condition. And we’re not regulated to a single topic like tarot. So your ability to know how you learn is paramount.

So how do you learn tarot? Tell me in the comments below!