Your Final new moon RAW tarotscopes are here! So what intentions might you want to focus on for clarity and confidence in your gay relationship? Find your sign(s) below.

Gay Intentions For The New Moon

Final 2022 RAW Tarotscopes, queer tarot, gay tarot
Wild Unknown Tarot

With new perspectives comes the opportunity to share what you’ve learned. Based on lessons learned about establishing clear boundaries from previous relationships, the personal satisfaction you’ve internalized from being alone, and your keen ability to amalgamate your experiences, you’re ripe for closing out some cycles. 

As you close out a cycle, what can you pass along to others? What lessons can make a difference in someone else’s life?  I’m not suggesting you become a teacher unless you’d like to be. However, you can also hold the awareness of these lessons in your back pocket until someone invites you to share them.  

Aries | Hierophant – Have the intention to set boundaries. Without boundaries, you’ll rarely adopt a focus that leads to success. My advice would be to narrow your scope. 

Taurus | Death – Have the intention to release that which no longer serves. This is not an easy task for someone who holds on to everything that was ever meaningful in an attempt to give yourself a sense of comfort. It’s time to get uncomfortable. 

Gemini | Fool – Have the intention to be open to new adventures. This means asking less questions embracing more experiences. Mary, just dive in and see where the current takes you. 

Cancer | Ace Cups – Have the intention to love yourself and others unconditionally. This doesn’t mean ignoring your personal safety, but it does mean that you can make yourself available for so much than you may imagine. This discipline may allow you to become a beacon of light for those who may need a haven. 

Leo | Son Pentacles – Have the intention to advocate for others. You can see what needs to be done. Never mind that your experience may be limited. You have the skills and tool set to move forward.

Virgo | 4 Feathers – Have the intention to pause and refocus. This is a great time to prepare for what’s to come. Even if you don’t know what that is, the point is to have the moment (or ritual) of preparation. Trust that you’re in a state of readiness.

Libra | 10 Cups – Have the intention to celebrate queerness and your chosen family. So often you try and include everyone. This time, it’s about hosting an exclusive party for those who have touched your life the most. Your guest list should include those who recognize your “wholeness.” Not that, you dirty mind, although someone who appreciates that part of you wouldn’t be bad company either. 

Scorpio | 9 Cups – Have the intention to recognize emotional fulfillment. Approach an examination of yourself with the intensity of that which you observe in others. Look for what fills your cup. Pay attention to what makes you feel important, loved, cared for, etc. After you’ve found your grounded center of activation, work towards accepting the outcome. 

Sagittarius | 4 Pentacles – Have the intention to invest your time wisely. This is less about getting everything done and more about being strategic with your choices. 

Capricorn | Temperance – Have the intention to live in grey space, then teach your chosen people what you know. Cap, grey space is a gift that you bring to others. Living in the unknown is what you do best, and the world could do with that kind of acceptance today. 

Aquarius | 5 Cups – Have the intention to feel your emotions without judgement. Sit in them and really be with them. Honor the best of times and acknowledge the worst. It would also be wise to prepare for releasing them when and if you’re ready. 

Pisces | Devil – Have the intention to enjoy what feels good. Create pleasure for pleasure’s sake. Imbibe and indulge. Let that oyster slide down your throat and fill your belly.