Or how to not be an asshole and let people in.

Welcome to a moment of reflection in my experiment for #humandesign. As an MG (manifesting generator), I have come to realize that my aura can be intimidating at times. And that’s more of a manifestor trait. So my aura should be inviting. I’ve realized I need to embrace my generator side, which is certainly the primary, because provides an enveloping, open, and embracing aura.

Now, my fellow MGs, it’s time to take a step back and ask ourselves, why are we reinforcing the repelling aura? Why are we closing ourselves off to the world?

As a gay man, it’s not uncommon for us queer folks to put up walls to protect ourselves. But, as someone who grew up surrounded by loggers and farmers, emotional availability wasn’t exactly part of the “code” back then.

So, let’s address the conditioning we’ve received and accepted. Men in our lives, whether they were family or friends, taught us to be reserved and push others away. Society taught us the same thing. It’s no wonder we’re so good at building barriers.

But, my dear MGs, it’s time to let go of those conditioning factors. We can’t continue to hold ourselves back for fear of upsetting our parents or partners or friends for the sake of making others comfortable.

The first step in this process is awareness. I didn’t realize I was still hanging onto all of that conditioning until a friend pointed it out to me. I can now see that a before that, I was intimidating and clearly had walls up. And those walls can be really scary for others. And I probably still will be for a while as I relearn how to be me.

So, fellow MGs, let’s take the time to reflect on who we’re meant to be. Let’s embrace our generator side and open ourselves up to the world. The work begins now.

Auras in Human Design

Generators & Manifesting Generators: Open and enveloping (This is me!)

Projectors: Focused and absorbing (I know a lot of these types – they amaze me)

Manifestor: Closed and repelling (Fascinated by this experience)

Reflector: Sampling (You get to try it all!)