Your December new moon RAW tarotscopes are here! So what intentions might you want to focus on for clarity and confidence in your gay relationship? Find your sign(s) below.

Gay Intentions For The New Moon

December 2022 RAW Tarotscopes, queer tarot, gay tarot
Wild Messengers Tarot

During this new moon the energy is calling for you to shine your light. This can be especially hard around the holidays. When you fall into old relationship patterns and family expectations it can feel as if you’re losing yourself.

Here’s an example of what it’s like for me every time I go home:

If I could just let all of those conditioned behaviors go and be fully myself I would have less stress and anxiety around the holidays. But that’s hard to do!

So what do you do?

  1. Observe your behavior (Fool)
  2. Acknowledge the behavior (Hierophant)
  3. Accept the holistic version of yourself (Lovers)
  4. Do the work to acknowledge what your behaviors and what your conditioned behavioral expectations are (Strength)
  5. One step at a time, release the conditioned behavior you no longer want to include. And you’ll make incremental changes by creating space for the truest version of yourself (Wheel)
  6. This will create a period of mourning who others thought you were and they’ll try to hold onto that 1.0 version of you. Gaslighting will ensue. (Death)
  7. On the other side you have the truest version of you, chosen family, support, clarity, ease, less friction (Sun)

Aries | 2 Water – Set the intention to focus on your relationships. The emotional health of those relationships that are most important to you is paramount. Focus on what draws you together and build there.

Taurus | Judgement – Set the intention to answer the call. As synchronicities make themselves known, you’ll have the choice to accept the direction you’re being shown or to reject it. 

Gemini | Fool – Set the intention to be open to new experiences. Chase opportunity. Explore information. Have the experience without judgement so that you can fully embody it. 

Cancer | King Fire – Set the intention to inspire others. You have wisdom and experience to share. It can be a slow burn but the end result is almost always climactic. 

Leo | Warrior Water – Set the intention to follow your emotional compass. Your emotions are your guide. And while they may never feel settled, they will carry you to alignment of choice. 

Virgo | King Water – Set the intention to provide emotional guideposts. As someone with a high emotional EQ, you have the ability to model for others how to use their emotions to their advantage. Teach the children well.

Libra | 3 Earth – Set the intention to listen to your ancestors. Their experiences and wisdom are yours to invite in. They have guidance to spare. So if you’re in need, just ask. 

Scorpio | 7 Water – Set the intention that choice is an illusion. You’re being guided in a direction. And while it may feel as if you have choices in front of you, the decision you make is informed. Trust your body and the authority it has for you. 

Sagittarius | 7 Air – Set the intention that all who wander are not lost. The moments that feel confusing are experiences to carry for the rest of your life. They may not make sense today. But in the future, it will seem as if you’ve weaved an intricate web. 

Capricorn | 2 fire – Set the intention to plan. Planning is preparation. And preparation is readiness for all that is to come.

Aquarius | Ace Fire – Set the intention that ideas are abundant. You may experience new insights, opportunities, and ideas in a way that feels overwhelming. Have a place to capture them all so you can take advantage of what serves you best. 

Pisces | Page Water – Set the intention that inspiration comes from within. Trusting your inner knowing will guide you through the next stages of your life, attaining your goals, or achieving success.