Your April new moon RAW tarotscopes are here! So what intentions might you want to focus on for clarity and confidence in your gay relationship? Find your sign(s) below.

Gay Intentions For The New Moon

ComingOutTarot, tarotscopes, gay tarot, queer tarot, tarot relationships
Wild Messengers Tarot

This new moon is bringing the kind of energy that may make you feel as if you’re experiencing everything for the first time. Sometimes that’s amazing and other times it’s so frustrating!

Aries | 9 Wands – Set the intention that you can protect yourself. Building off old wounds and/or traumas will inform your next steps.

Taurus | King Wands – Set the intention that you can manifest quickly. Start with ritual and focus as you lead the way to what you want most.

Gemini | Queen Cups – Set the intention by believing if you can dream it you can be it. The more detailed your imagination is the more focused you’ll be.

Cancer | 3 Pentacles – Set the intention to work together. Call in those who you work with best. Then roll out the plan and get to work.

Leo | 5 Swords – Set the intention that you have to be a bit selfish right now. It might not feel great to everyone, but focusing on your needs can be necessary. 

Virgo | Empress – Set the intention that your hard work will pay off. This doesn’t mean that you have to get everything right. Just that the results will be the right results. 

Libra | Knight Wands – Set the intention that the spark you’re generating is just the beginning. There’s more to do, see, and experience. So if you’re feeling inspired, go down the road and see where it takes you. 

Scorpio | Lovers – Set the intention that long-lasting relationships are of value. Invest in them. Honor the experiences that create the ties that bind. And take time for the moments where you can just be.

Sagittarius | 9 Cups – Set the intention that you’re emotionally fulfilled. Our fulfillment comes most importantly from ourselves and not outside influence. But isn’t it nice to get the reinforcement from another person once and while?

Capricorn | Emperor – Set the intention that you’re the one in charge. Of all things. But most importantly of your own destiny. Trusting your inner knowing will go a long way this cycle.

Aquarius | 3 Wands – Set the intention that what you put out will have a return. So often you can selflessly give to others without expectation. This time that energy is different. It’s time to expect something for your effort and intend that it will pay off.

Pisces | Queen Wands – Set the intention that your sexual energy can manifest. It may take some effort, an herb or two, and a ritual. But that kind of focus will generate a force that can’t be stopped.