Your September new moon RAW tarotscopes are here! So what intentions might you want to focus on for clarity and confidence in your gay relationship? Find your sign(s) below.

Gay Intentions For The New Moon

Tarot of the Spirit

Aries | 2 Wind

Move beyond apathy, Aries. New views will come if you choose. 

Taurus | Father Fire

Taurus, go after what inspires you most. Especially if it will change the world.

Gemini | Spirit

It’s time to go deeper, Gemini. Explore rituals around the moon to further your intentions.

Cancer | 6 Water

Cancer, learn from the experiences from your past relationships. A communicate that knowledge. 

Leo | Hierophant

Take a page from the book of Taurus Leo. Get comfortable in your boundaries and make sure they’re clear to others.

Virgo | 3 water

There’s room for a third, Virgo. If you’ve been thinking about it, now’s the time to get everything in place and intend your success.

Libra | Brother Wind

Libra, your disruption is welcome. If it’s intended to restore balance – keep going.

Scorpio | Devil

You’ve zeroed in on what you want most, Scorpio. This energy can be really intense if it’s focused on one person. Think – hands-free orgasms. You’re welcome.

Saggitarius | 8 Earth

It’s time to put the work into your relationship, Sagittarius. Intend to start with the three most important issues that you need to address.

Capricorn | 5 Fire

Capricorn, your intentions are powerful. And you may overwhelm the balance of a relationship. Decide if that’s the best action for you.

Aquarius | Emperor

Time to call on your inner Leo, Aquarius. Put yourself out there and let others see you in front of the pack. It’s sexy.

Pisces | 7 Water

Things are starting to come together. Your previous choices are making sense. Let the emotions wash over you (sit with them) so you can understand what your next step is.

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