Your first gay relationship will set the stage for any future relationships. But in the moment, you start realizing things that you never expected. That’s not surprising though. Where did you have a role model for what it was like to be in a healthy relationship with another man?

So I dug around on Reddit and the rest of the internet to discover some of the lessons learned from being in a gay relationship for the first time. Then I followed that up with some advice from tarot. Not surprisingly, the tarot reading highlighted some of the same issues that I found across the net.

Top 3 First Gay Relationship Struggles Via Tarot

  1. Expectations about sex are suddenly front and center. Based on your comfort level, traumas, and drive your expectations may be met or challenged in ways you didn’t expect. Especially when a heteronormative society assumes two guys are always ready and already horny.
  2. Attitudes about money will create moments of stress. You’re not living with a roommate anymore. 
  3. Finally, your perceptions of love may shift from Disney Princess to…well, Shrek.

Honorable Struggles From Across The Internet